Resource Library

Searchable compendium of guidance, methodologies, case studies, analyses, databases, and more

Results: 27

GHG Mitigation in Rice Information Kiosk

The GHG Mitigation in Rice Information Kiosk is a communication tool for information on greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options […]

MRV Toolbox

Curated by the International Rice Research Institute’s (IRRI) GHG Mitigation in Rice Platform, the MRV Toolbox provides links and resources […]

Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA)

Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA) platform provides access to data and tools designed to target which agricultural technologies work where. […]

EDGAR global agriculture emissions data in 2015 (GtCO2e)

This map layer was developed using EDGAR’s data (5-min resolution) 2015 global agriculture CH4 and N2O emissions data layers (5-min resolution), which were […]

AgLEDx Resource Platform for Low-Emission Development

AgLED is intended to be a guide to climate change mitigation in agriculture and food systems for those new and […]

SAMPLES: Agricultural greenhouse gas emission factors database

The SAMPLES database hosts emission factors and associated metadata from GHG measurements in agricultural systems. The database contains site-specific emission […]

SAMPLES website

SAMPLES is a global research program of CCAFS that provides guidance for measuring GHG emissions and carbon storage in smallholder […]

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies for agriculture

CDM provides methodologies for: Rice cultivation Livestock Manure management Fertilizer management Mulching These methodologies are intended for monitoring of CDM […]

FAO online courses

These free online courses cover topics in the areas of food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable […]

UNFCCC-CDM Project case studies

There are many example projects in the searchable project database; a majority of projects involve methane recovery from manure management […]

National plans to address adaptation and mitigation in agriculture: An analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions

This dataset is the result of an analysis of the mitigation contributions of the 177 NDCs submitted as of February […]

World Program on Agricultural Censuses

The FAO World Program for the Census of Agriculture (WCA) promotes the use of standard international concepts, definitions and methodology. […]

Introducing a new tool for greenhouse gas calculation tailored for cropland: rationale, operational framework and potential application

This journal article assesses different applications of the GHG calculator named SECTOR (Source-selective and Emission-adjusted GHG CalculaTOR for Cropland), mainly […]

Standardized Baseline for Methane Emissions from Rice Cultivation in the Republic of the Philippines

This document provides a detailed framework for a standardized baseline in rice cultivation in the agriculture section in the Republic […]

Handbook of Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification for a Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Project with Water Management in Irrigated Rice Paddies

This handbook aims to inform researchers and policymakers engaged or interested in the development and implementation of MRV (monitoring, reporting, […]

Mitigation Options Tool for agriculture (CCAFS-MOT)

The CCAFS-MOT tool integrates published empirical models to emissions for different land use systems according to management types. Allows the […]

Ex-Ante Carbon-Balance Tool for Measurements, Reporting and Verification (EX-ACT MRV): Guidelines

This manual provides guidance for using the Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for MRV. The manual presents the rationale of the tool […]

Regional analysis of the nationally determined contributions of Eastern Africa: Gaps and opportunities in the agricultural sectors

This report identifies the current commitments, gaps, and opportunities for enhancing GHG mitigation and adaptation in the agriculture sector (crops, […]

Methods for measuring greenhouse gas balances and evaluating mitigation options in smallholder agriculture

This open-source book provides best-practice guidance on MRV in smallholder agriculture, including methodologies for measuring methane emissions from ruminants. It […]

Agriculture’s prominence in the INDCs: data and maps

This CCAFS webpage provides data and maps (available for download) and a review of agriculture’s role in the INDCs. The […]

Learning tool on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector

This learning tool report outlines the structure and rationale of the tool, examples of climate change impacts on agriculture, rationale […]

Blueprint for outscaling low-emissions rice farming in Vietnam

Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is supporting the government of Vietnam in an effort to increase low-carbon rice production […]

UNFCCC Small-Scale Methodology: Methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation

This methodology comprises technology/measures that reduce anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in rice cropping soils, which reduce the generation of […]

Climate Action Reserve: Rice Cultivation Project Protocol

This Climate Action Reserve (CAR) protocol provides a methodology for accounting for changes in methane emissions from rice fields with […]

American Carbon Registry: Rice Management Systems Methodology

“The American Carbon Registry has approved the Methodology of Voluntary Emission Reductions in Rice Management Systems. It is applicable to Agricultural Land […]

2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories

Guidelines are formally mandated for use in preparing national GHG inventories under the UNFCCC. The 2006 guidelines updated 1996 guidelines. […]

Global Yield Gap Atlas

The Global Yield Gap Atlas consists of high-quality local to global agronomic data covering 13 major food crops across 70 […]