Software & Tools

Tools and software for measuring GHGs, compiling inventories and platforms for learning

Results: 52

GHG Mitigation in Rice Information Kiosk

The GHG Mitigation in Rice Information Kiosk is a communication tool for information on greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options […]

MRV Toolbox

Curated by the International Rice Research Institute’s (IRRI) GHG Mitigation in Rice Platform, the MRV Toolbox provides links and resources […]

Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA)

Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA) platform provides access to data and tools designed to target which agricultural technologies work where. […]

AgLEDx Resource Platform for Low-Emission Development

AgLED is intended to be a guide to climate change mitigation in agriculture and food systems for those new and […]

Source-selective and Emission-adjusted greenhouse gas CalculaTOR for cropland (SECTOR) tool

SECTOR is a Greenhouse Gas Calculator for cropland based on the IPCC Tier 2 approach for rice and other crops. […]

Emissions overview Tool (FAO)

The Emissions Overview tool report gives emissions and trends in the AFOLU sector, subdivided by source categories, for one or […]

The Ex-Ante Carbon Balance Tool (EX-ACT)

The EX-ACT tool is a project-level tool for estimating the net GHG impact of AFOLU projects and policies. The website […]

Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) and Verification

The tool allows users to compare national GHG inventory data for the AFOLU sector reported to the UNFCCC with data […]

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies for agriculture

CDM provides methodologies for: Rice cultivation Livestock Manure management Fertilizer management Mulching These methodologies are intended for monitoring of CDM […]

Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM)

The Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) is a spatially explicit life cycle assessment model for the livestock sector. Using input […]

The Manure Knowledge Kiosk

The Kiosk is a communication tool of the Livestock and Manure Management Component (LMMC) of the Agriculture Initiative of the […]

COMET-Farm: Whole Farm and Ranch Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Accounting System

COMET-Farm is a farm-level carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system and calculator for the United States. It uses information on […]

The Cool Farm Tool

The Cool Farm Tool is a farm-level GHG emissions calculator that integrates both crop and livestock systems by quantifying on-farm […]

NDC Climate Toolbox

The NDC Toolbox Navigator is a searchable database of tools, guidance, and advisory support to help countries implement their NDCs […]

Template spreadsheets for assessing the availability of Tier 2 livestock activity data

This spreadsheet complements the Livestock Activity Data Guidance (L-ADG) published by the GRA and CCAFS. L-ADG provides suggestions on how […]

UNFCCC-CDM Project case studies

There are many example projects in the searchable project database; a majority of projects involve methane recovery from manure management […]

FAO online courses

These free online courses cover topics in the areas of food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable […]

Livestock Geo-Wiki

This website features an interactive, downloadable livestock density/location dataset. It is based on the Gridded Livestock of the World 2.0 […]

Harmonized World Soil Map (HWSM)

HWSD is a global soil dataset that provides 20 soil properties for two soil depths (0-30 cm and 30-100cm), including […]

Agriculture and Land Use National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Software

The Agriculture and Land Use Greenhouse Gas Inventory (ALU) Software is a free tool developed to assist countries in developing […]

Overseer tool

A free to use tool developed for use in New Zealand. It can be used to calculate farm nutrient budgets […]

Agro-Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ACE) calculator

The Agro-Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ACE) calculator is a tool for estimating total GHG emissions associated with a food product. […]

Spreadsheet templates for IPCC Tier 2 livestock emission sources

National GHG inventories are often compiled using specialist software, such as the IPCC Inventory Software or ALU Software. The ALU […]

Template spreadsheet for assessing the quality of Tier 2 livestock activity data

This spreadsheet complements the Livestock Activity Data Guidance (L-ADG) published by the GRA and CCAFS.  L-ADG provides suggestions on how […]

Mitigation Options Tool for agriculture (CCAFS-MOT)

The CCAFS-MOT tool integrates published empirical models to emissions for different land use systems according to management types. Allows the […]