Our Funders


The Global Research Alliance (GRA) is founded on the voluntary, collaborative efforts of countries. Its membership and governance arrangements are underpinned by a Charter, signed by all participating countries. This Charter establishes the GRA Council, which is the representative body of all member countries. A Secretariat, currently hosted by New Zealand, supports the work of the Council and the Research Groups. The design and the development of the MRV Platform for Agriculture is funded by the New Zealand Government to support the objectives of the GRA.

CCAFS is carried out with support from the CGIAR Trust Fund and through bilateral funding agreements. USAID, in particular, is supporting advances in MRV in agriculture, including the 2017 report, Measurement, reporting and verification of livestock GHG emissions by developing countries in the UNFCCC: current practices and opportunities for improvement, which is also available in French and Spanish.

Banner photo: Gwendolyn Stansbury (International Food Policy Research Institute)