Large-scale Consolidated Methodology: GHG emission reductions from manure management systems

Sadie S

This webpage houses all versions of the ACM0010 GHG emission reductions from manure management systems methodology. This methodology is best suited for large scale projects and is applicable to livestock manure management projects under the following conditions (borrowed from the methodology summary):

(a) Farms where livestock populations, comprising of cattle, buffalo, swine, sheep, goats, and/or poultry, is managed under confined conditions;

(b) Farms where manure is not discharged into natural water resources (e.g. rivers or estuaries);

(c) In the case of anaerobic lagoons treatments systems, the depth of the lagoons used for manure management under the baseline scenario should be at least 1 m;

(d) The annual average ambient temperature at the site where the anaerobic manure treatment facility in the baseline existed is higher than 5°C;

(e) In the baseline case, the minimum retention time of manure waste in the anaerobic treatment system is greater than one month;

(f) The Animal Waste Management Systems (AWMSs) in the project case results in no leakage of manure waste into groundwater.