Making trees count: Measurement and reporting of agroforestry in UNFCCC national communications of non-Annex I countries

Sadie S

Agroforestry is the integration of trees with crops and livestock and provides services relevant to the UNFCCC’s Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture. This article gives an overview of how agroforestry is handled in national MRV systems under the UNFCCC. They found that there is a significant gap between national ambition and national ability to measure and report on agroforestry initiatives and established programs. Institutional, technical and financial challenges prevent comprehensive and transparent inclusion of agroforestry in MRV systems of many non-Annex I countries. If trees in agroforestry practices are not counted in inventories or climate change programs, a major carbon sink is not being accounted for. Only if agroforestry resources are included in MRV reports will these countries gain access to finance and the support they need. The authors discuss four recommendations to close the gap between ability and ambition.

Rosenstock TS, Wilkes A, Jallo C, Namoi N, Bulusu M, Suber M, Mboi D, Mulia R, Simelton E, Richards M, Gurwick N, and Wollenberg E


Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment